Wednesday, 3 August 2011


I am eating some strawberries and trying to decide whether I should jump on the treadmill now or should I just wait until Troy gets home and do a quick run before dinner. My body is feeling the effects of this new way of training. I am thinking of just relaxing when the kids sleep and then running when Troy is here. My body and head need little R&R.

This morning I was feeling pretty skinny and decided to break my own rule and stepped on the scale. I was little nervous but it looks like all the miles in the last few weeks are paying off. The scale read 127.6. While I am not running to only lose weight, it does feel nice to finally get back to the 120s after hanging out in the 130s for months. Right now, I feel so strong and healthy and I love it.

On Monday, the coach had planned that I run a warm up mile and then 6 miles at 7.56-8:04 pace. I thought that he was out of his mind. Honestly, I didnt think I was strong enough for that. But I did it. I did not have enough time to do a cool down mile because Saku woke up and was super cranky, but I was so happy about the six miles at such a fast pace.

There are few things that are definitely beneficial about treadmill runs. You have to maintain the pace and it is not hot. I sweat a lot because there isn't much air circulation, but it is still little easier than evening runs outside.

Last night I did an easy 4.52 miles after the kids went to bed. Though it didn't feel easy, it was terrible. I had to work so hard just to maintain 09:10 pace. So I've decided to take easy runs easy and run hard for the hard workouts. Plus the heat, even at 7 pm, just make it so hard. I have to remember this so I dont get too disappointed when I feel like my pace is slower than it should be.

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